Dear colleagues! This page offers you the materials created by the participants of the British Council project "English for Universities".
You can download any of them for your professional use with proper acknowledgement of the author's name and institution.
Your feedback will be of great value for us and the project as a whole. Feel free to contribute to the project, using the contacts given on the mentioned sites. Victoria Gubkina "Give presentations like Steve Jobs"
Olena Beresniak "Presentation skills"
Iryna Zuyenok, Olena Shvets "ESP Course Module Design"
Iryna Zuyenok, Olena Shvets "Teaching and learning academic vocabulary"
Viktoria Gubkina "Course Syllabus Design"
a wealth of useful materials for ESP teachers in Evan Frendo's blog
Oksana Khazova Teaching Vocabulary in ESP
Nataliia Nechai "Increasing Students' Participation".pdf Video on YouTube
Denys Zhadiaiev "Resources"
![]() Iryna Zuyenok, Olena Shvets, Maria Isakova "EAP" Team presentation EAP part 1
Oksana Khazova, Valeriia Tykhonenko, Nataliia Nechai "ESP" Team Presentation
Oleksandr Kovrov, PhD (Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology) |