Viktoriia Hubkina
Senior teacher of English at the Department of Foreign Languages, Dnipro University of Technology
E-mail: hubkina.v.v@nmu.one
EDUCATION: 1977-1983 Degree in English Philology. Qualification : Philologist, Teacher of English Language and Literature , Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University , Ukraine PROFESSIONAL CAREER: 2003 – present Senior Teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine 1991 – 2003 English teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine COURSES TAUGHT: English for Specific Purposes, English for Academic Purposes, English for Professional Purposes, English for International Tourism, Business English. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING: · ESP Teacher Development (CiVELT 3), 35-hour course within the framework of the British Council English for Universities Project, 1-6 March, 2018 · ESP Teacher Development (CiVELT 2), 42-hour course within the framework of the British Council English for Universities Project, 13-19 July, 2017 · ESP Teacher Development (CiVELT 1), 35 -hour course within the framework of the British Council English for Universities Project, 11-15 January, 2016 · Accreditation and Curriculum Design Training within the framework of Fulbright Specialist program delivered by professor Dr. Stacy L. Hutchinson, Kansas State University, College of Engineering, USA, Dnipro, NMU, 2016 · Learning technologies for the classroom, 40-hours Teacher Development Course by British Council, April, 2012 LATEST RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS: 2015 - 2019 – English for Universities project developed by British Council in Ukraine and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 01.06.2016 - 30.11.2017 - Project of German Environment Agency pr. 72963 “Raising Knowledge among Students and Teachers on Tailings Safety and its Legislation Review in Ukraine “. . RECENT PUBLICATIONS: 1. V. Kozlov, I.Gulina, I.Shedlovsky, V.Gubkina. Small quantity random fluctuations of the underwater hydrotransport pipeline// Power engineering control & information technologies in geotechnical systems // CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group/ Balkema Book/ 2016 y. 2. G.Symanovych S.Felonenko, V.Gubkina. Application of temporary stall timbering works roadway in the process of roadway development while using continuous mining method // New developments in mining engineering. 2015 A Balkema Book. CRC Press, 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK. P.81-83. 3. S.Felonenko, V.Gubkina. The stability research of complete hydraulic sections of mechanized roof support // Mining 2015: Annual scientific and technical magazine /Editor .: V.І.Bondarenko - Dnipro.: Litograph, P.327-333. 4. V.Gubkina. Effects of academic mobility on the skills and employability of students and the internationalization of higher education institutions // Transformation in Education and Research in Ukraine : International Context: International Scientific and Practical Conference, 24-26 April, 2017 р., Uman, 2017.- Part 1 – С.-95-99. 5. V. Gubkina. Using e-learning platforms for teaching foreign languages //XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Approaches and Innovation Tendencies in Foreign Language Teaching, 28 February, 2017 ., Kyyiv National Technical University of Ukraine, 2017. – P.-41-43. 6. V.Gubkina. The impact of globalization on the ways of teaching foreign languages// Language, Education, Culture: Ancient Values - Modern Application: International Discussion Forum 19-20 ,April, Uman, 2016 7. V.Gubkina. Applying problem-based learning approach to integrate foreign languages into the course of teaching studies // International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference : Modern Foreign Language Education in Ukraine : Current Situation, Problems and Perspectives, November 2, Uman, , 2015. P.72-74. Membership of International Associations of EFL Teachers : IATEFL, TESOL. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3811-3057 https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=ru&user=TmDVXgwAAAAJ |