Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Foreign language in the professional environment

The course is designed for specialists in all areas of training and provides the ability to form a professionally oriented communicative competence that should ensure effective communication in business and professional environments.

The main objectives of the course is to form specialists in general and professionally oriented communicative speech competence to ensure that they communicate effectively in professional business environment and to facilitate their academic mobility and lifelong learning, the formation of their outlook and personality; improving their professional training; having cultural communication in learning.

By the end of the course students are expected to know:

- Grammatical structures to be able to express their opinions and ideas, and to understand and produce material in a variety of genres in professional and business sectors;

- Various forms of writing, typical for formal and colloquial kinds of professional and business communication;

- Adequate vocabulary (including terminology), which is essential in the professional field;

- Cross-cultural differences between Ukraine and the countries of the world;

- Strategies for effective reading, listening, learning, finding information from its different sources;

At the end of the course students are expected to be able to:

- To behave and react properly in typical academic and professional situations, and know the rules of interaction between people in different situations;

- To understand authentic texts for academic and professional subjects;

- To conduct discussions effectively using appropriate strategies;

- To conduct effective interviews;

- To conduct effective meetings;

- To express their ideas and opinions to build a logical chain of reasoning convincingly present and respond to complex lines of argument;

- To make a clear, consistently developed presentation;

- To conduct a telephone conversation.



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